
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How to Get Facebook Email Address – Invitation to Messages

I have been a great fan of Google Mail service but recently i came to know that facebook is also going to offer similar kind of service under the name of Facebook messages or Fmail service. Is it going to offered under a different domain or is it the Messaging feature which is already offered by facebook or is this something new offering?

Answer : This is a new offering by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg which is a social media connected emailing service which is claimed to be a Gmail killer though the chances for this are quite less because Google Gmail is linked with many many different services and its a established service which offers highest uptime and security. The new service is also called as the Social Inbox because it offers integration across multiple communications and this would mean quicker emailing and sharing of information.
In order to get a invite to this service you need to visit this link where in you would be asked to click on the ‘Request Invite’ button.
Facebook Messages Invite
Once thats done, you would be notified that ‘You will receive an Invite soon’ and this could even take a few weeks because millions are already waiting to try out this new service.
Few Features :
  • Include email by activating your optional Facebook email address.
  • Control who can send you messages through your privacy settings.
  • No need for subject lines or other formalities
  • Easily leave large conversations that no longer interest you
  • Messages from unknown senders and bulk email go into the Other folder
  • Spam is hidden from view automatically