
Saturday, February 26, 2011

10 Golden Rules for Logo Design

  • Rule 1. First and foremost, use KISS formula. Keep it Simple, Stupid. Don’t try to put too many design elements in it.
  • Rule 2. The logo must be unique. So that it creates high recall value in the visitor’s mind. Try unconventional or unique shapes.
  • Rule 3. Use proper colors. Limit colors to a maximum of 3-4 (unless using a gradient bar). Avoid very bright and dark colors.
  • Rule 4. Don’t Copy. Making a logo out of mix-and-match of few popular ones won’t do the trick.
  • Rule 5. Link logo to your site’s contents. A Finance related site can have a dollar sign or a currency in the logo for linkage.
  • Rule 6. Avoid Text of keep it to the minimum. Logos are more for visual representation rather than textual. Limit fonts usage to two or preferably one font only.
  • Rule 7. Create Variations. Try out different variation of a main base idea until you get the right pick.
  • Rule 8. Keep visitors in mind. Forget your own design preferences. You may not like the red color, but it might do wonders to the visitor count.
  • Rule 9. Logos must be recognizable when – Mirrored, Inverted, Resized.
  • Rule 10. Use Square or Rectangle Logo container. The logo may be of any unique shape.